
○国際会議発表1. Excellent Mechanical Behavior with Anomalous Glassy State of High-Pressure Heat-Treated Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass, Y. Abe, R. Yamada, Y. Shibazaki, W.H. Ryu, J. Saida, Materials Research Meeting 2019 (MRM 2019),20191211, en, 2, Yokohama. ○国内会議発表1. 高圧熱処理を施した金属ガラスの体積とエネルギーの相関,山田 類,柴崎裕樹,阿部泰人,才田淳治,日本金属学会2019年秋期大会,20190912, ja, 1,岡山.譯田真人,伊藤恵司,日本金属学会2019年秋期大会,20190912, ja, 1,岡山.菖蒲敬久,第53回X線材料強度に関するシンポジウム,20190711, ja, 1,大阪.粉体粉末冶金協会2019年春季大会,20190605, en, 1,横浜. 日本金属学会2019年春期講演大会,20190320, ja, 1,東京.○受賞1. 20190500,粉体粉末冶金協会,2019年度春季大会 優秀講演発表賞,高圧熱処理が与えるZr系バルW. Guo and J. Saida, Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan, 68 (20190300),pp. 191-198. 7. Thermal rejuvenation of an Mg-based metallic glass, W. Guo, J. Saida, M. Zhao, S. Lü and S. Wu, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 50 (20190300),pp. 1125-1129. 8. In-situ Ta-rich particle reinforced Zr-based bulk metallic glass matrix composites with tensile plasticity, W. Guo, J. Saida, M. Zhao, S. Lü and S. Wu, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 775(20190100),pp. 1002-1006. 2. Recovered plasticity with local structure change by thermal rejuvenation in Zr-based metallic glasses, J. Saida, R. Yamada, W. Guo, M. Wakeda, European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processing 2019 (EUROMAT 2019),20190905, en, 2, Stockholm, Sweden. 3. Evolution of controlled random atomic structure in bulk metallic glasses, Junji Saida, International Congress on Advanced Materials Science and Engineering 2019, 20190723, en, 2, Osaka, Japan.招待講演4. Control of random atomic configuration for improved mechanical properties in metallic glasses, Junji Saida, Rui Yamada, World Chemistry Forum 2019, 20190522, en, 2, Barcelona, Spain.招待講演5. Super High Dense Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glass Induced by High Pressure Treatment over Tg, Rui Yamada, Yuki Shibazaki, Yasuto Abe, Wookha Ryu, Junji Saida, TMS 2019 148th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 20190313, en, 2, San Antonio, Texas.招待講演6. Tailoring of Glassy Structure in the Aspects of Relaxation State in Metallic Glasses, Junji Saida, Rui Yamada, Wei Guo, Arbertus Deny Setyawan, 5th Annual World Congress of Smart Materials-2019, 20190306, en, 2, Rome, Italy.招待講演2. 高圧熱処理によるZr50Cu40Al10金属ガラスの組織変化,柴崎裕樹,山田 類,才田淳治,河野義生,3. 金属ガラスの応力・変形状態の局所解析,才田淳治,山田 類,今福宗行,佐藤成男,鈴木裕士,4. 高圧熱処理が与えるZr系バルク金属ガラスの特性変化,阿部泰人,山田 類,柴崎裕樹,Ryu Wookha,才田淳治,粉体粉末冶金協会2019年春季大会,20190605, ja, 1,横浜.5. Effect of rejuvenation state gradient in ZrCuAl bulk metallic glasses, Wookha Ryu,山田 類,才田淳治,6. 高圧熱処理が導く特異なガラス状態の達成,山田 類,柴崎裕樹,阿部泰人,Ryu Wookha,才田淳治,―43―

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