
図 試作した6 V級の有機レドックスキャパシタとLEDの点灯およびスマートフォンの充電―138―Kexin Xiong (Creative Interdisciplinary Research Division/ Human and Society) Despite the fact that more and more Japanese people find it difficult to write kanji (i.e., logographic character in Japanese), while at the same time using emoji in daily communication is increasing, little is known about how emoji are processed in the brain and how Japanese speakers and foreigners learning Japanese can maintain and improve their language skills, including their kanji knowledge. In the FY 2021, we first investigated the cognitive mechanisms that are involved in understanding kanji words, using lexical decision tasks in Japanese and Chinese with eye-tracking on Chinese-Japanese bilinguals [1]. The results indicate that kanji word reading is driven by form overlaps at the character level, and the phonological information activates even when not necessary for visual word recognition. Then we elucidated the effects of emoji on the comprehension of propositional information by Japanese native speakers, using a true–false judgment task with fMRI. Our preliminary data suggest that emojis influenced the perception of propositions. They activated brain regions involved in assessing others' mental states even when comprehending neutral propositional content. References [1]Xiong, K., et al. (in press). Asymmetric effects of sub-lexical orthographic/phonological similaritieson L1-Chinese and L2-Japanese visual word recognition. In Masatoshi Koizumi (Ed.), Issues inJapanese Psycholinguistics from Comparative Perspectives, De Gruyter Mouton.The mechanisms for logographic reading and emoji processing 令和3年度は、これまでビーカーセルで研究開発を進めてきた電極部においてメタルフリーな有機レドックスキャパシタを、ビーカーセルではなく、実際にパッキングした上で積層し、スマートフォンが充電可能なプロトタイプの試作を行った。これまでは、セルの厚みを規定しなかったが、電極の厚みを変化させ、最大 1 mmの厚さでも十分な充放電特性が得られることを確認した。今後は、集電体部分に関してもメタルフリー化を試み、完全なメタルフリーバッテリーの作製に取り組む。参考文献 [1]Y. Katsuyama, T. Takehi, S. Sokabe, M. Tanaka, M. Ishizawa, H. Abe, M.Watanabe, I. Honma and Y. Nakayasu, Sci. Rep. 12, 3915. [2]特願2021-214646 レドックスキャパシタおよびレドックスキャパシタシステム、中安祐太、武樋孝幸、勝山湧斗、曽我部崇、本間格中安祐太(新領域創成研究部/人間・社会) 6 V級有機レドックスキャパシタの開発

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