
Traditional law-centered governance has been often questioned on its effectiveness and flexibility toward emerging AI and robotics technologies. Hence, my research motivation is to consider an alternative new approach on regulating social robots, called “design-centered governance”. The core of my proposed design -centered governance is to use “soft laws” like IEEE P7000’s AI ethics standards as the basis guiding robotics engineers to realize the ethical design by their responsible self-regulation. There are many possible ways to implement ethical design into robotics systems. They are included but not limited in value-sensitive design, human-centered design, speculative design, etc. In my study of robot ethical design, I chose to use ontology and semantics web to model the section related to consent from the Amended Act on the Protection of Personal Information (APPI) with a collaborator Enrico Francesconi from European Parliament and University of Florence. The purpose of this legal modeling on Amened APPI is to provide social robots a basis to realize Legal Human-Robot Interaction (L-HRI) to occasions around issues of consent given in data governance. References [1] Y.-H. Weng (2022) “Interdisciplinary Approaches on Ethics and Design for Social Robots”, The 2nd Workshop on Design-Centered HRI and Governance. IEEE RO-MAN 2022, September 3rd 2022, The University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy [2] E. Francesconi, Y.-H. Weng (2022) “Using Legal Ontology in Data Governance for Social Robots”, The 1st Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Governance for Social Robots (SORO), JURIX 2022, December 14th 2022, Saarland University, Saarbrucken, Germany ―132―Yueh-Hsuan Weng (Creative Interdisciplinary Research Division/Human and Society) 連続状態の複雑伝染過程:投売り連鎖の分析 金融システムにおける取引活動は、システミック・リスクが伝播する様々な経路を作り出す。重要な伝染経路は、銀行の破綻が資産の流動化によって資産価格を下落させ、それがさらなる銀行のデフォルトを引き起こし、次の流動化のラウンドを誘発するという金融投売りである。 このプロセスは複雑な伝染 [1] と考えられるが、資産価格を表す状態が連続的に存在するため、従来の2状態伝染モデルでモデル化することはできない [2]。本研究では、各ノードの状態を実数値で表現した連続状態カスケードの閾値モデルを開発し、分析を行なった [3]。 参考文献 [1] T. Kobayashi and T. Onaga, Economic Theory forthcoming (2022) [2] T. Kobayashi, Y. Ogisu and T. Onaga, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 146:104561-104561 (2023) [3] T. Onaga, F. Caccioli and T. Kobayashi, arXiv:2207.03194 (2022) Using Legal Ontology for Robot Ethical Design 翁長 朝功(新領域創成研究部/人間・社会)

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