
Plate tectonics movement is explained as the consequence of oceanic lithosphere recycling in subduction zones. Continents are viewed as too buoyant to sink into the mantle. Our tectonic models and the Earth’s history inferred from them are based on the continental geological record. Recent geochemical models show that ~65% of the present continental mass existed by 3 Ga, but today < 10% of the continents are older than that. This means that enormous volumes of continental crust have been cryptically recycled into the mantle leaving no obvious record of their former existence. Plate tectonics do not take continental crust recycling into account, and this is woefully partial. Studying lost continents is a unique challenge that I am testing in the Pacific Panthalassa tectonic system, which provides our best opportunity for testing for continental recycling as it records > 500 my. of subduction, continental growth and, as I have been working to demonstrate, continental removal. I am using an integrative approach that combines new geological, geochemical and geophysics data, and computing geodynamics. With this, I will be able to quantify the amount of continental crust recycled when it happened through time-based resilient minerals capable of surviving the continental crust recycling process (zircon, lost continents prior to their destruction in time and space and include them into plate reconstructions to identify the mechanism involved in cryptic continental recycling. I also plan to explore paleogeography and global climate evolution and study their effects on mantle dynamics through modelling. ―139―[2] Kiyozumi, T.; Kudo, S.; Mori, A.; Mizoguchi, R.; Tahara, A.; Asano, S. Hayashi, J.-i. ISIJ Internatio- nal. 2022, 62(12), 2476-2482. rutile…); locate the Utilization of “Buried” Carbon Resources by Interdisciplinary Science between Organic / Organometallic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Biochemistry 化石資源からの脱却に向け、次世代代替資源として注目を集める天然ガス(メタン)などの単純炭化水素類やバイオマス資源は化学的に安定なものが多く、多くが熱源利用され、最終燃焼物であるCO2となる。本研究では高い化学的ポテンシャルを秘めるこれらの原料を「埋蔵炭素資源」と定義し、有機 (金属) 化学・化学工学・生化学といった学際融合研究による炭素資源としての高機能化を目指している。本年度は主にセルロース由来の次世代バイオマスの樹脂化に成功し、架橋剤の化学構造の違いが物性に与える影響について調査するとともに、物性評価を目的とした企業との共同研究への展開や大型研究費の獲得1に成功した。また単純炭化水素類およびCO2の活性化2についても継続して実施し、学会賞を受賞した。 参考文献 [1] NEDO 「カーボンリサイクル・次世代火力発電等技術開発/カーボンリサイクル・次世代 火力推進事業/カーボンリサイクル技術の共通基盤技術開発」委託事業 田原淳士(新領域創成研究部/先端基礎科学) Continental Crust destruction Daniel Pastor-Galán (Advanced Basic Science)

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