
【目的】近年, 機能性絹糸の開発方法として,ナノ材料を蚕の餌に混合させ飼育し, ナノ材料分散絹糸を創製させるという試みが多くなされている. 本研究では, 軽量, 高強度, 低環境負荷であるセルロースナノファイバー(CNF)および圧電ナノチタン酸バリウム(BTO)粒子を蚕に給餌し,得られた絹糸の引張特性を解明して,微細構造についても考察を加えた. 【実験】人工飼料にCNFおよびナノBTO粒子のスラリーを混合し, 蚕の絹糸腺が発達した時期に与え始め飼育した.また,取り出した生糸をアルカリ処理することでセリシンを取り除いた. そして,絹糸の引張特性と微細構造を評価した. 【結果】セリシンを除去した絹糸の引張強度は,CNFおよびBTOを含む人工飼料を用いた場合で大きく増加した.CNF強化絹糸について,論文を執筆し,現在査読中である.またBTO強化絹糸について,圧電特性が発現するかどうか現在評価中である. ―143―NEGYESI Janos (Tohoku University, Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering) In our study we aimed to reveal a potential interaction between handedness and task complexity. Our previous results (Négyesi et al. 2022) indicated left-hemisphere specialization for motor sequencing tasks, however, considering that motor memory consolidation is sleep-dependent, in the present study, we performed a retention test 24 hours after the practice to clearly identify weather handedness interacts with motor sequencing tasks with different complexity levels after motor sequence practice. We supplemented our study with EEG, however, here I only present the behavioural data. In line with our previous study, both right- and left-handed participants performed the motor sequence task more accurately and with faster reaction time (RT) and movement time (MT) when using their right hand, however, these appeared only in tasks with higher complexity levels. These results indicate that left-hemisphere specialization for these tasks might be present only above a certain complexity level. Motor sequence practice produced a similar magnitude of motor skill acquisition and interlimb transfer, regardless of handedness. Moreover, RT improved at each complexity level through time regardless of group and hand-dominance suggesting that the motor sequence practice resulted in a similar level of motor skill acquisition and interlimb transfer immediately after the practice which further improved the next day. References Négyesi, J., Négyesi, P., Hortobágyi, T., Sun, S., Kusuyama, J., Kiss, R.M. & Nagatomi, R. (2022) Handedness did not affect motor skill acquisition by the dominant hand or interlimb transfer to the non-dominant hand regardless of task complexity level. Sci Rep, 12, 18181. 機能性絹糸の創製とその応用 Neuronal mechanisms underlying the handedness × task complexity interactions – behavioural data 栗田大樹(大学院環境科学研究科),長澤敦彦(大学院農学研究科), 武田翔(大学院工学研究科流体化学研究所)

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