
○論文1. ATOMIC DIFFUSION BONDING USING ALN FILMS WITH HIGH ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY, A. Muraoka, H. Makita, T. Saitoh, M. Uomoto, T. Shimatsu, WaferBond’22 Conference on Wafer Bonding for Microsystems, 3D- and Wafer Level Integration, , (22-Oct), pp. 23-24. 憲雅, 島津 武仁, 魚本 幸, エレクトロニクス実装学会誌, 25, 1 (2022年1月1日), pp. 133-140.○総説・解説1. 原子拡散接合法:無機薄膜(金属,酸化物,窒化物)を用いたガラス等の室温接合技術, 島津武仁, 魚本 幸, 表面と真空, 65, 10 (2022年10月10日), pp. 454-459. 招待論文.○国際会議発表1. Atomic Diffusion Bonding using AlN Films with High Electrical Resistivity, A. Muraoka, H. Makita, T. Saitoh, M. Uomoto, T. Shimatsu, WaferBond’22 Conference on Wafer Bonding for Microsystems, 3D- and Wafer Level Integration, 2022年10月5日, 英語, Schmalkalden. ―57―2. ATOMIC DIFFUSION BONDING OF WAFERS USING VARIOUS OXIDE FILMS, T. Shimatsu, M. Uomoto, T. Saito, T. Moriwaki, N. Kato, WaferBond’22 Conference on Wafer Bonding for Microsystems, 3D- and Wafer Level Integration, , (22-Oct), pp. 19-22. 招待論文.3. ※ Crystal structure deformation and phase transition of AlScN thin films in whole Sc concentration range, Shiro Satoh, Koichi Ohtaka, Takehito Shimatsu, Shuji Tanaka, Journal of Applied Physics, 132, 2 (2022年7月14日), pp. 25103-25103. 4. Atomic diffusion bonding with oxide underlayers using Al and amorphous Si films for high optical density applications, Gen Yonezawa, Miyuki Uomoto, Takehito Shimatsu, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 61, (2022年6月1日), pp. SF1011-SF1011. 5. Atomic diffusion bonding in air using Ag films, Yuki Watabe, Fuki Goto, Miyuki Uomoto, Takehito Shimatsu, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 61, (2022年6月1日), pp. SF1003-1-SF1003-3. 6. Bonding performance in atomic diffusion bonding of wafers using amorphous Si thin films with smooth surface, T. Amino, M. Uomoto, T. Shimatsu, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 61, (2022年6月1日), pp. SF1002-1-SF1002-3. 7. Thermal activation in microwave-assisted magnetization switching and its effect on the switching behavior of granular media, Nobuaki Kikuchi, Katsunari Sato, Satoshi Okamoto, Osamu Kitakami, Takehito Shimatsu, Hirofumi Suto, Physical Review B, 105, 5 (2022年2月25日), pp. 054430-1-054430-11. 8. WBGデバイスを搭載する低熱抵抗、低インダクタンスなパワーモジュール, 平尾章, 堀元人, 池田良成, 島津武仁, Proceedings of the 28th Symposium on Microjoining and Assembly Technology in Electronics, 28, (2022年2月), pp. 149-152. 9. 弾性樹脂薄膜を介した半導体チップのダイレクトボンディングに関する研究, 李 瑾, 菊地 広, 永田 2. Atomic Diffusion Bonding of Wafers using Various Oxide Films, T. Shimatsu, M. Uomoto, T. Saito, T. Moriwaki, N. Kato, WaferBond’22 Conference on Wafer Bonding for Microsystems, 3D- and Wafer Level Integration, 2022年10月5日, 英語, Schmalkalden. 招待講演.3. Microwave assisted switching in granular media with continuous capping layers for interaction control, 島津 武仁 教授 [情報・システム]

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