
―65―○国内会議発表1. 不安定化学種の新科学, 上野 裕, FRIS/TI-FRIS Hub Meeting, 2022年12月22日, 日本語. 2. Li@C70の超原子分子軌道(SAMO)計測 ー 基板依存性, 山田 洋一, 北畠 大樹, 延山 知弘, 大橋 左和, 清水 好葉, 佐々木 正洋, 河地 和彦, 笠間 泰彦, 美齊津 文, 上野 裕, 第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 2022年9月22日, 日本語. ○論文1. ※ Janusγ-GeSSe Monolayer as a High-Performance Material for Photocatalysis and Thermoelectricity, Vuong Van Thanh, Do Van Truong, Nguyen Tuan Hung, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 6, 2 (2023年1月23日), pp. 910-919. 4. Synthesis of Sodium-Ion-Endohedral [60]Fullerene Na+@C60 by Plasma Implantation, Koichi Utsugi, Hiroshi Ueno, Fuminori Misaizu, The 63rd Fullerene-Nanotube-Graphene General Symposium, 2022年8月31日, 英語. 5. Endohedral Fullerenes Synthesized by Plasma Implantation, University of Tsukuba, Okada Lab Seminar, 2022-04-25日, 英語. 招待講演.6. Facile synthesis of icosapropyl [60]fullerene, Kazuhira Miwa, Shinobu Aoyagi, Takahiro Sasamori, Shogo Morisako, Hiroshi Ueno, Yutaka Matsuo, Hideki Yorimitsu, 62nd Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Graphene General Symposium, 2022年3月3日, 英語. 7. Isolation of C70-Based Endohedral Fulleride Li@C70, Daiki Kitabatake, Hiroshi Ueno, Fuminori Misaizu, 62nd Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Graphene General Symposium, 2022年3月3日, 英語.3. Direct Observation of Superatom Molecular Orbitals (SAMOs) of Li@C70 (2), 清水好葉, 佐々木正洋, 北畠大樹, 河地和彦, 笠間泰彦, 美齊津文典, 上野裕, 山田洋一, 第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2022年3月, 日本語.2. ※ Exploring unusual temperature-dependent optical properties of graphite single crystal by spectroscopic ellipsometry, Desman Perdamaian Gulo, Nguyen Tuan Hung, Tan-Ju Yang, Guo-Jiun Shu, Riichiro Saito, Hsiang-Lin Liu, Carbon, 197, (2022年9月), pp. 485-493. 3. ※ Magneto-Seebeck coefficient of the Fermi liquid in three-dimensional Dirac and Weyl semimetals, F. R. Pratama, Riichiro Saito, Nguyen T. Hung, Physical Review B, 106, 8 (2022年8月31日), pp. -. 4. ※ Efficient non-volatile organogold complex for TiO2-supported gold cluster catalysts: Preparation and catalytic activity for CO oxidation, Luong Xuan Dien, Toru Murayama, Nguyen Tuan Hung, Quang Duc Truong, Huynh Dang Chinh, Masamichi Yoshimura, Masatake Haruta, Tamao Ishida, Journal of Catalysis, 408, (2022年4月), pp. 236-244. 5. Effects of strain and electric field on electronic and optical properties of monolayer γ-GeX (X = S, Se and Te), Vuong V. Thanh, Nguyen D. Van, Do V. Truong, Nguyen T. Hung, Applied Surface Science, 582, (2022年4月), pp. 152321-152321. 6. Enhanced thermoelectric performance by van Hove singularities in the density of states of type-II nodal-line semimetals, Nguyen T. Hung, Jyesta M. Adhidewata, Ahmad R.T. Nugraha, Riichiro Saito, Physical Review B, Tuan Hung Nguyen 助教 [物質材料・エネルギー]

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