
DEI Promotion

At FRIS, we incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into our core principles and strive to become a leading institution in advancing DEI across the country. To promote diversity in areas such as gender, nationality, and culture, we establish an international environment for all members and develop various support systems for life events. Our goal is to create an institute where all members are respected and able to fully demonstrate their highest potential.
Support for International Colleagues:
We will provide comprehensive onboarding for our international colleagues at the time of joining and regularly provide relevant information to help them from diverse backgrounds to conduct their research activities and other works smoothly. In our institute, we have designated advisors for them in navigating new cultural and working environment.

Support for Life Events:
We will implement flexible and practical support measures so that all members can balance their research activities and other works with various life events, including childcare and nursing care.

We will also conduct regular evaluations to assess the effectiveness of our DEI initiatives and collect feedback from members to identify areas for improvement and to ensure that our support measures meet their needs. Through these initiatives and as a leading institute for promoting DEI in Japan, we strive to create a society where everyone can freely demonstrate their talents.

Contact our DEI Promotion Working Group: fris-dei@grp.tohoku.ac.jp
Childcare, nursing care and promotion of life-work balance:
  • Yuka Hatano
  • Yuta Kudo
  • Manabu Bessho-Uehara
Support for international colleagues:
  • Yuanyuan Guo
  • Tom Welling
  • Aseel Marahleh
  • Linda Zhang