研究分野 | Fundamental theory and simulation of materials intelligence for energy applications; thermoelectrics, artificial muscles, and solid-state batteries. |
主な研究テーマ |
所属学会 | The Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Graphene Research Society |
研究概要 | |
The development of reliable and environmentally friendly approaches for energy conversion and storage is one of the most challenges that our society is facing. The purpose of this research is design and discovery of novel materials for high efficiency and performance of new energy devices by combining thermoelectricity (TE), batteries and artificial muscles (AM), so-called “hybrid energy systems” (HES). The TE is a solid-state devices that generate electricity from a temperature gradient, and it is ideal to recover waste thermal energy and heat from sunlight. The battery is composed of several electrochemical cells to provide the required voltage using electrochemical energy storage. And the AM is an actuator device that can generate mechanical energy under an applied voltage. Based on our previous works of the TE and AM [1, 2, 3], we will continue to improve the performance for each energy systems (TE, battery, and AM) by combining the density functional theory (DFT) with multiscale analytical models. Besides that we also establish a theoretical framework to predict and guide experimental designs for the HES. Such hybrid energy systems might play a major role in future energy conversion and storage technologies. [1] N. T. Hung, E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, M. S. Dresselhaus and R. Saito, Quantum effects in the thermoelectric power factor of low-dimensional semiconductors, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 036602 (2016). [2] N. T. Hung, A. R. T. Nugraha and R. Saito, High-performance three-dimensional carbon Archimedean lattices electromechanical actuators, Carbon 125, 472-479 (2017). [3] N. T. Hung, A. R. T. Nugraha and R. Saito, Designing high-performance thermoelectrics in two-dimensional tetradymites, Nano Energy 58, 743-749 (2019). |
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