
研究分野 | Electrochemistry, Porous Materials, Transmission Electron Microscopy |
主な研究テーマ |
所属学会 | - |
研究概要 | |
Dealloying is an electrochemical phenomenon in which one or more alloy components selectively dissolve into an environment medium from a parent alloy and the remaining component(s) re-organize into a bicontinuous structure by nanoscale interfacial diffusion. The materials processed by this technique possess a macroscopic bulk form whereas having a nanoscale porous microstructure with well-defined topology and large surface-to-volume ratios (fig). The abundant 2D surfaces/interfaces in these 3D materials are well accessible to electrons from the interconnected metallic backbones and ions/molecules from the coherent open pores and offer a novel platform for matter-matter interactions and charge/energy transfers. These materials are hence promising for carrying catalytic chemical and electrochemical reactions and for applications in the related functional devices. My research focuses on this unique category of materials and their coupling with electrochemistry, including: (1) the development of new dealloying principles for the processing of 3D nanoporous structures; (2) the development of new nanoporous material systems beyond conventional metals, such as nanoporous carbon/graphene and inorganic composites; and (3) exploration of surface/interface electrochemistry in these 3D nanoporous platforms that are relevant to energy conversion and storage (fuel cells, electrolyzers, next-generation batteries, etc.). |

- 会議発表・論文・出版2023.08.24持続可能な社会基盤を築くため、各種再生エネルギーやその貯蔵技術の需要が高まっています。近年、よりイノベーティブな、車体や壁・柱など荷重を支える構造体そのものを蓄電材料としても扱う「構造的エネルギー貯
- 会議発表・論文・出版2022.09.14化石資源の燃焼によって排出される二酸化炭素(CO2)を減らすクリーンなエネルギー源として水素が注目されています。しかし水素の多くは原油から取り出していることが現状です。そのため水の電気分解による水素
- 会議発表・論文・出版2021.07.05粒子を単原子という極限にまで小さくすると、元素の利用効率を最大化し、さらに、新たな化学的性質をもたらす可能性があります。そのため、単原子触媒と呼ばれる単一原子の形の触媒が、触媒反応の効率と選択性を改