Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences
Tohoku University


Yuichiro Fujioka

Tenure in FRIS 2015.4-2017.3

Yuichiro Fujioka

Assistant ProfessorHuman and Society

Mentor Information
Hiroki Takakura (Center for Northeast Asian Studies)
Research Fields Geography, Area Studies (Africa)
Research Subjects
  • Food security and multiple livelihood system in rural areas
  • Flood- and drought-adaptive cropping systems in semi-arid area
  • Functions and formation process of indigenous agroforestry parkland landscapes
  • The Natural and Social Environments of Large Old-growth Japanese Horse-chestnut Forest in Japan
Academic Society Membership The Association of Japanese Geographers, The Human Geographical Society of Japan, Japan Association for African Studies, The Tohoku Geographical Association
Research Outline  

Multiple livelihood system have developed in the most of rural areas in the world. The aim of my study is to examine the functions and meanings of multiple livelihood system in the contemporary rural areas, especially focused on an agro-pastoralists society in Namibia and other southern African countries. For example, agro-silvo-pastoral system which is combined of agriculture, silviculture and pastoralism have managed on a rural society and established the characteristic landscape, agroforestry parkland, in northern Namibia. These multiple livelihood system holds many functions and meanings on the subsistence strategies and food security of local people, maintain agrobiodiversity and improve the production from a unit of land with the changes on climate & socio-economic environment of rural areas. Especially my study focused on the three points, micro-macro interventions of economic changes, sustainability of natural resource use, and adoption of climate changes. I have conducted field survey mainly in Ovambo society on northern Namibia and some agro-pastoral societies in Botswana and South Africa, and also compared with rural areas in other countries include Japan.

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