Consultation Desk
Faculty and staff members and students of Tohoku University may consult with the following contact points at FRIS according to the nature of their consultation. In all cases, the protection of privacy and confidentiality are given the highest priority, and the consulter will not be treated unfairly because of their consultation.
(1) Contact Points regarding Research Fairness
- Prof. Takehito Shimatsu (Advanced Interdisciplinary Research Division)
- Prof. Kenji Toma (Advanced Interdisciplinary Research Division)
- Assoc. Prof. Shinsuke Niwa (Advanced Interdisciplinary Research Division)
※ For contact information, please refer to "部局窓口 (Departmental Contacts) > 公正な研究活動推進委員会 相談窓口 (Fair Research Activity Promotion Committee)" on the Tohoku University website "研究公正アドバイザー (Research Fairness Advisor)" (internal access only).
(2) Contact Points regarding Harassment
- Prof. Junji Saida (Managing and Planning Division)
- Ms. Naoko Kuriyagawa (Administrative Office)
※ For contact information, please refer to "各部局相談窓口 (Department Counseling Desks) > 青葉山キャンパス (Aobayama Campus)" on the Tohoku University website "ハラスメント学内相談窓口一覧 (List of Counseling Desks)" (internal access only).
For inquiries, please contact us at the e-mail address below.
- Administrative Office E-mail
- @