Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences
Tohoku University

Open Staff Positions

10 Assistant Professors from April 2019

Closing Date for Application: October 31, 2018

Number of position and job

10 Assistant Professors

Organization and Department

Creative Interdisciplinary Research Division, Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences (FRIS), Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

Research field

6 Research categories(1. Material and Energy, 2. Life and Environment, 3. Information and System, 4. Device and Technology, 5. Human and Society, 6. Advanced Basic Science).
Applicants are required to promote interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary sciences.

Supporting conditions

2.5 million JPY (maximum) per year, which is changed by the personal evaluation in every year.

Required qualification

PhD degree

Starting Date

April 1, 2019


3 years (with possibility of an one-time reappointment for 2 years through the personal evaluation)
According to the Tohoku University’s policy, departments and/or institutes in Tohoku University consider the possibility to employ assistant professors of FRIS with excellent activities at the ends of the terms as associate professors.


An annual salary and allowance will be provided in accordance with Tohoku University


Applicants can select the 3 research categories at most in the proposal.
Applicants are preferably requested to select the professor (or associate professor) in Tohoku University as your mentor. If you cannot get the approval, maximum 3 professors or associate professors in Tohoku University can be applied as the candidates.

Application deadline

Applications should arrive by October 31, 2018

Requested documents

(1) Curriculum Vitae (including your photograph, lists of publications, presentation and collaboration). Please be sure to include your current mail and e-mail addresses, and phone number.
(2) Brief statements of your research results
(3) Proposal in our format
(4) Approximately two academic references with e-mail addresses.  
(5) Copy of less than 5 papers of your research results
(All documents should be prepared in A4 or Letter size format.)


Office of FRIS, Tohoku University
6-3, Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578, Japan

(Application should be sent by (International) delivery services such as post, EMS, FedEx, DHL, UPS etc. as documents (hard copy) with a description of "Assistant Professor position application". Electric data sent by E-mail or in recording media such as CD-ROM, USB memory etc. are NOT acceptable.)

More information at

Professor, Managing and Planning Division, Junji Saida