Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences
Tohoku University

Program for Creation of Interdisciplinary Research

Program for Creative of Interdisciplinary Research


Leader Affiliation Theme
Assos. Prof.
Go Yamamoto
Graduate School of Engineering Development of crack detection method by using topology optimization
Assis. Prof.
Mako Kobayashi
Graduate School of Engineering Elucidation of Vascular Function Focusing on Basement Membrane Surface Topography
Assis. Prof.
Kanako Bessho
Graduate School of Life Sciences Identification of plant-derived constraints for determining insect gall morphology
Assis. Prof.
Shiori Sugiura
Institute for Materials Research Knocking the Virtual Material Science
Senior Assis.Prof.
Kazuyuki Iwase
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials Development of highly active CO2 reduction electrocatalysts by controlling substrate and proton transport
Assos. Prof.
Kohei Tamura
Center for Northeast Asian Studies An Interdisciplinary Study on the Value and Maintenance of “Broken” Cultural Heritage: The Transmission of Memory of Disasters with Digital Technologies.


Leader Affiliation Theme
Assos. Prof.
Ryuichi Kumagai
Graduate School of Education / Faculty of Education Development of mentoring tools that facilitate academic management of scientific laboratories
Assist. Prof.
Takako Kikkawa
School of Medicine Elucidation of brain developmental mechanism causing gender differences in neurodevelopmental disorder
Senior Assis.Prof.
Hanae Aoki
School of Engineering Cultivating engineering mind in female high school students through series laboratory training on nano material sciences
Assist. Prof.
Tando Yukiko
IDAC Identification of factors transmitting the effects of maternal environmental changes to grandchild generations.
Assos. Prof.
Kenichi Funamoto
IFS Development of measurement-integrated analysis for reproduction of cellular metabolism and functions
Assist. Prof.
Izumi Mastudaira
S.A.R.C. Creating the novel research field of Family-Level Individuality


Leader Affiliation Theme
Assist. Prof.
Keijiro Ohshimo
Graduate School of Science A tomic transport in cavities of supramolecules studied by atomic collisions and topological data analysis
Assist. Prof.
Daiki Umetsu
Graduate School of Life Sciences Elucidating working principles of the heterogeneous autonomous decentralized system of muscle cell dynamics
Assist. Prof.
Hiroki Kurita
Graduate School of Environmental Studies Creation and Application of Functional Silk Fibers
Assist. Prof.
Negyesi Janos
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering Interaction between handedness, laterality, and task complexity. The effects and underlying mechanisms of a short-term unilateral sequence training on this interaction.
Assist. Prof.
Atsuhiro Nagasaki
Tohoku University Hospital I nnovation for min eralized tissue regeneration using electric charge mechanism of protein