
For Presenters

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TI-FRIS/FRIS Symposium 2023

発表者向け情報 / For Presenters

講演要項 / Presentation Guideline
成果報告発表一覧 / List of Presentations
発表スライド事前提出 / Pre-submission of Presentation Slides


TI-FRIS Fellows, FRIS Creative Interdisciplinary Research Division Members, and PIs of FRIS's Program for Creation of Interdisciplinary Research and Creative Interdisciplinary Collaboration Program must submit presentation slides (or a pre-recorded video of the presentation if the presenter is absent on the day) in advance.

ファイル名 / File Name:
  • PresentationNo_LastnameFirstname.pdf(PresentationNo: 発表ごとにアサインされる番号(発表一覧の左側に記載)、 LastnameFirstname: 発表者の姓名)
    PresentationNo_Short_LastnameFirstname.pdf (PresentationNo: number assigned to each presentation (shown on the left side of the presentation list), LastnameFirstname: presenter's last and first name)
送信フォーム / Submission Form:
締め切り / Submission Deadline:
  • 2023年1月27日(金)12:00
    12:00 (noon) on January 27 (Fri), 2023

    12:00 (noon) on Feburary 2 (Tue), 2023 (Deadline extended)
ポスターセッション / Poster Session


The poster session, to be held on the afternoon of February 14, 2023, will have three slots of 40 minutes each. Each presenter will be assigned one slot as core time as follows. The poster numbers are shown on the right side of the presentation list.

コアタイム / Core Time:
  • (1) 13:30-14:10 ポスター番号を3で割った余りが「1」の発表者
    (1) 13:30-14:10 Presenters whose poster number has a remainder of "1" when divided by 3
  • (2) 14:10-14:50 ポスター番号を3で割った余りが「2」の発表者
    (2) 14:10-14:50 Presenters whose poster number has a remainder of "2" when divided by 3
  • (3) 14:50-15:30 ポスター番号を3で割った余りが「0」の発表者
    (3) 14:50-15:30 Presenters whose poster number has a remainder of "0" when divided by 3

お問い合わせ / Contact