Messages from Supporters

  • Director, Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences

    Toshiyuki Hayase

    In the Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences (FRIS), Tohoku University, worldwide top-level early-career researchers with different specializations come together to conduct research. This collaboration between creative early-career researchers is essential to create new knowledge and value for humanity. Following a proposal by early-career researchers, we established FRIS CoRE, as a platform of co-creation for interdisciplinary researchers. FRIS CoRE provides an environment where early-career researchers can take on new challenges that transcend disciplinary boundaries. We would appreciate your cooperation and support for our early-career researchers.

  • Executive Vice President for Research, Tohoku University

    Asako Sugimoto

    In the history of science, significant discoveries and groundbreaking advancements often emerge at the intersections of distinct research fields. A notable example is the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA, which resulted from the convergence of physics and biology. The Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences (FRIS) at Tohoku University serves as a "melting pot of knowledge," bringing together young researchers from a wide array of academic disciplines. Within this vibrant milieu, the Cooperative Research Environment (CoRE), an interdisciplinary research platform initiated by young researchers, stands as a hub for the creation of new scientific paradigms. We firmly believe that their dedication and passion will pave the way for new frontiers in science, and sincerely ask for your support for these young researchers. Your support will undoubtedly contribute to the remarkable progress of the next generation of researchers, and for this, we extend our heartfelt gratitude.