


2007年        東京大学医学系研究科 医学博士課程修了 博士(医学) (指導教員:廣川信隆先生)
2007年〜2012年  東京大学医学系研究科 解剖学教室(廣川信隆博士研究室) 博士研究員
2012年〜2014年  スタンフォード大学 Visiting Scholar (Kang Shen博士研究室)
2012年〜2014年  日本学術振興会 海外特別研究員
2015年        スタンフォード大学 Research Associate (Kang Shen博士研究室)
2015年〜2019年  東北大学学際科学フロンティア研究所テニュアトラック助教
2018年〜2019年  カリフォルニア大学デイビス校 客員助教授 (Richard McKenney博士研究室に滞在)
2019年〜       東北大学学際科学フロンティア研究所テニュア准教授
           (東北大学生命科学研究科および工学研究科応用物理学専攻 兼任)


2014年       解剖学会奨励賞
2018年       平成30年度文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞

研究業績 Publication list

原著論文と総説 (Original Papers and Reviews)


21. Xu Fang, Takahashi Hironori, Tanaka Yosuke, Niwa Shinsuke, Wicklund P. Matthew, Hirokawa Nobutaka (2018) An IGF1R-binding domain of KIF1Bβ affected in hereditary neuropathy serves for neuronal development. Journal of Cell Biology 217(10): 3480-3496.

20. Obinata Hiroyuki, Sugimoto Asako, Niwa Shinsuke (2018) Streptothricin acetyl transferase 2 (Sat2): a dominant selection marker for Caenorhabditis elegans genome editing, PLoS One, 13(5):e0197128. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0197128. eCollection 2018.

19. Chia Poh Hui*, Zhong L. Franklin*, Niwa Shinsuke*(*equal contirbution), Bonnard Carine, Utami H. Kagistia, Zeng Ruizhu, Lee Hane, Eskin Ascia, Nelson F. Stanley, Xie H. William, Al-Tawalbeh Salmah, El-Khateeb Mohammad, Shboul Mohammad, Pouladi A. Mahmoud, Al-Raqad Mohammed Reversade Bruno (2018) A homozygous loss-of-function CAMK2A mutation causes growth delay, frequent seizures and severe intellectual disability. elife, 7. pii: e32451. doi: 10.7554/eLife.32451.

18. Hayashi Kumiko, Hasegawa Shin, Sagawa Takashi, Tasaki Sohei, Niwa Shinsuke (2018) Non-invasive force measurement reveals the number of active kinesins on a synaptic vesicle precursor in axonal transport regulated by ARL-8. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 20(5), 3403-3410.


17. Niwa Shinsuke (2017) Immobilization of Caenorhabditis elegans to observe intracellular transport in neurons. Journal of Visualized Experiments 18;(128). doi: 10.3791/56690.

16. Niwa Shinsuke* (corresponding), Tao Li*, Lu Y. Sharon*(*equal contirbution), Liew M. Gerald, Feng Wei, Nachury V. Maxence, Shen Kang (2017) BORC regulates the axonal transport of synaptic vesicle precursors by activating ARL-8. Current Biology 27(17), 2569-2578,(*These authors equally contributed to this work)

15. Niwa Shinsuke, Nakamura Fumio, Tomabechi Yuri, Aoki Mari, Shigematsu Hideki, Hirokawa Nobutaka, Goshima Yoshio, Nitta Ryo (2017) Structural basis for CRMP2-induced axonal microtubule formation. Scientific Reports 7, 10681, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-11031-4


14. Niwa Shinsuke, Lipton M. David, Morikawa Manatsu, Charles Zhao, Hang Lu, Hirokawa Nobutaka and Shen Kang (2016) Autoinhibition of a neuronal kinesin UNC-104/KIF1A regulates the size and density of synapses. Cell Reports 16, 2129-214

13. Niwa Shinsuke (2016) Nephronophthisis-related gene ift-139 is required for the ciliogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans. Scientific Reports 6, 31544; doi: 10.1038/srep31544

12. Tanaka Yosuke*, Niwa Shinsuke*, Dong Ming*, Farkhondeh Atena , Wang Li, Zhou Ruyun, and Nobutaka Hirokawa (2016) The molecular motor KIF1A transports the TrkA neurotrophin receptor and is essential for sensory neuron survival and function. Neuron 90, 1215-29 (*These authors equally contributed to this work)

11. Farkhondeh Athena, Niwa Shinsuke, Takei Yosuke, Hirokawa Nobutaka. (2015) Characterizing KIF16B in neurons reveals a novel intramolecular "stalk inhibition" mechanism that regulates its capacity to potentiate the selective somatodendritic localization of early endosomes. Journal of Neuroscience 35, 5067-86

10. Niwa Shinsuke (2015) Kinesin superfamily proteins and the regulation of microtubule dynamics in morphogenesis. Anatomical Science International 90, 1-6.

9. Niwa Shinsuke*, Takahashi Hironori* and Hirokawa Nobutaka. (2013) β-tubulin mutations that cause severe neuropathies disrupt axonal transport. The EMBO Journal 32, 1352-1364. (*These two authors equally contributed to this work)
-Article highlighted in "News and Views" section in The EMBO Journal. Gumy LF and Hoogenraad CC "Off the rails: axonal cargos on the road to nowhare" The EMBO Journal 32, 1345- 1347 (2013).

8. Zhou Ruyun*, Niwa Shinsuke*, Guillaud Laurent, Tong Ying and Hirokawa Nobutaka. (2013) A molecular motor, KIF13A, controls anxiety by transporting the serotonin type 1a receptor. Cell Reports 3, 509-519 (*These two authors equally contributed to this work)

7. Niwa Shinsuke, Nakajima Kazuo, Miki Harukata, Minato Yusuke, Wang Doudou and Hirokawa Nobutaka. (2012) KIF19A is a microtubule depolymerizing kinesin for ciliary length control. Developmental Cell 23, 1167-1175.
- Article selected as Cover

- Article highlighted in "Research Highlight" section in Nature Reviews Molecular and Cell Biology (Nature Reviews Molecular and Cell Biology 14, 4).

6. Noda Yasuko*, Niwa Shinsuke*, Homma Noriko, Fukuda Hiroyuki, Imajoh-Ohmi Shinobu, Hirokawa Nobutaka (2012) Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase alpha(PIPKα) regulates neuronal microtubule depolymerase kinesin, KIF2A and suppresses the elongation of axon branches." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, 1725-1730. (*These two authors equally contributed to this work)

5. Nakata Takao, Niwa Shinsuke, Okada Yasushi, Perez Franck, Hirokawa Nobutaka (2011) Preferential binding of a kinesin-1 motor to GTP-tubulin-rich microtubules underlies polarized vesicle transport. The Journal of Cell Biology 194, 245-255.

4. Hirokawa Nobutaka, Niwa Shinsuke, Tanaka Yosuke (2010) Molecular Motors in Neurons: Transport Mechanisms and Roles in Brain Function, Development and Disease. Neuron 68, 610-638. (Review)

3. Zhou Ruyun*, Niwa Shinsuke*, Homma Noriko, Takei Yosuke, Hirokawa Nobutaka (2009) KIF26A is an unconventional Kinesin and regulates GDNF-Ret signaling in enteric neuronal development. Cell 139, 802-813. (*These two authors equally contributed to this work)

2. Hirokawa Nobutaka, Noda Yasuko, Tanaka Yosuke, Niwa Shinsuke (2009) Kinesin superfamily motor proteins and intracellular transport. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 10, 682-696. (Review)
- Review Article selected as Cover

1. Niwa Shinsuke, Tanaka Yosuke, Hirokawa Nobutaka (2008) KIF1Bβ- and KIF1A-mediated axonal transport of presynaptic regulator Rab3 occurs in a GTP-dependent manner through DENN/MADD. Nature Cell Biology 10, 1269-1279. - Article highlighted in "Leading Edge" section in Cell (Cell 135, 373-375; 2008)

招待講演 (Invited seminer)


7.Niwa Shinsuke "Regulation of axonal transport and Diseases" Peking University(北京大学), Beijing, China, Arp.23rd, 2019

6.Niwa Shinsuke "Regulation of axonal transport and Diseases" Tsinghua University(清華大学), Beijing, China Apr. 19th, 2019

5.Niwa Shinsuke "Regulation of axonal transport and Diseases" UC Davis seminer, University of California, Davis, CA, USA Jan. 20th, 2019

4.Niwa Shinsuke "The molecular mechanism of the axonal transport of synaptic vesicles and Diseases" Neuroscience Research Colloquia, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Oct. 20th, 2017

3. 丹羽伸介「線虫遺伝学を用いた分子モーター研究」 第69回日本細胞生物学会大会 仙台国際会議場、仙台、2017年6月15日

2. 丹羽伸介「線虫遺伝学を用いた軸索輸送研究」 第122回日本解剖学会大会 長崎大学医学部、長崎、2017年3月28日

1. 丹羽伸介KIF19A regulates the length of cilia by deporimerizing microtubules 第69回日本細胞生物学会大会シンポジウム 、 2013年6月
